as we know, at this decade we find more sites that describe about design using software design for example (Photoshop,corel draw,Adobe Ilustrator,etc), and its also contain design tutorial, visual communication design, logo and branding. hard to find trusted and eligible article resources in depth reviews nowadays, online media flooding by content spam to gain more money. if you want to learn or study design and graphic design related, i will suggest you to enter or visit, Ahli Desain.
that website i mention above moderated by lizard wijanarko, he is a start up designer local with really strong passion. He usually hangs out in Twitter tweeting design related links regularly. If You use Digg actively he can be great friend there and don't forget add to StumbleUpon too! How about Deviantart? Meet him there as well! If You have any questions feel free to write and add him to Gtalk - it is beautiful way to get contacted directly!
some phenomenal article he wrote is
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